Mestrado em Agricultura Tropical
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Nível: Mestrado Acadêmico
Ano de início: 2010
Conceito atual na CAPES: 4
Ato normativo: Homologado pelo CNE (Portaria MEC nº 656 de 22/05/2017) Publicação DOU em 27/07/2017, Seç. 1; Pag. 36. Parecer 288/2015
Periodicidade de seleção: Semestral
Área(s) de concentração: Agricultura Tropical
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- ItemAcúmulo de nutrientes nos frutos e teor foliar na pimenta do-reino(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-02-22) Dalazen, Jessica Rodrigues; Partelli, Fabio Luiz;;;;; Gontijo, Ivoney;; Balck pepper is a nutrient-demanding crop, especially during the reproductive stage. Knowing the foliar content, as well as the curve of nutrient accumulation in the peppercorns, helps in the recommendation and adjustment of the fertilization program of the crops, improving the sustainability of the activity. The objective of this study was to establish nutrient uptake curves in black pepper curls throughout the reproductive period, to determine the content and accumulation of nutrients in different parts of the curls (grain, bark and stalk / fruit and peduncle) of black pepper harvested at two maturation stages (green peel color / red house color), as well as foliar content throughout the year. The experiments were carried out in commercial crop of Piper nigrum L., of the variety Bragantina, in São Mateus, Espírito Santo, Brazil. The experiments of the first experiment were conducted following a completely randomized design, in plot arrangement in time. The treatments consisted of different sampling times. For the analysis of the clusters, a total of 11 collections were performed in the first reproductive cycle and 09 in the second cycle. In each evaluation, nine clusters were randomly collected, forming compound samples every three, thus three replications. For analysis of leaf tissue content, a total of 20 samplings were performed throughout the year, each sample was composed of 40 fresh leaves with three replicates, per sampled period. The materials of all the tests were dry and the macronutrients and micronutrients contents were obtained in the laboratory. Based on the results of the first and second chapters, it was observed that the most abundant macronutrients in the curls and leaves of the black pepper were N, K and Ca, and the micronutrients were Fe, Mn and B. At leaf content of nutrients fluctuated during the year. The accumulation of dry mass in the pepper fruit was similar in both cycles, adjusting to the linear and quadratic model. In the third chapter, it was observed that the nutrients most accumulated in the peppermint fruit were N, K, Ca, Mg, P, S, Mn, Fe, B, Zn and Cu. In the peduncle were: K, N, Ca, Mg, P, S, B, Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu. The order of nutrients accumulated in the grain was: N, xii Ca, K, P, S, Mg, Mn, B, Fe, Zn and Cu. Already in the shell was K, N, Ca, Mg, P, S, B, Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu. E in the peduncle K, Ca, N, Mg, P, S, B, Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu.
- ItemAdequação de Águas Ferruginosas Para Uso em Irrigação Por Gotejamento(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2024-03-27) Liprande, Vinicius Alvarenga; Cotta, Aloísio José Bueno;;; Bonomo, Robson;;;;; Schmildt, Edilson Romais;;; Souza, Joabe Martins de;; regions of Brazil have low rainfall or an irregular distribution of rainfall, such as the northern region of the state of Espírito Santo, included in the drought polygon, where the use of irrigation is necessary. In areas of this region, water with high levels of total iron (FeT) is frequently present, an element capable of causing serious clogging problems in emitters. This occurs mainly when the iron is in a reduced form, prone to precipitate inside the pipes after oxidation, also favoring the development of iron bacteria. Taking into account difficulties in using water with a high iron content in an irrigation system, the objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of sand filters, consisting of proportions of zeolites (0; 33 and 67%, m/m), associated with aeration/decantation, pH correction and addition of chlorine, in addition to treatment using a magnetizing device, in the adaptation of ferruginous waters, with high FeT contents exceeding 2 mg L-1, originating from tubular wells to be used in a system drip irrigation. Additionally, these waters were applied to a prototype drip irrigation system without a self-compensation system (SPC), flat-type labyrinth emitters. The degree of clogging and uniformity were then evaluated, as well as the reductions in total iron (FeT) after the water passed through the treatment system. Water samples were collected biweekly, bimonthly and quarterly, at 26 points of the project. The analyzes were subjected to descriptive analysis, in order to identify the treatments with the greatest efficiency in reducing the iron present in the water, which identified that the use of aeration and decantation significantly reduced the concentration of iron present in the water, reducing the risks of clogging of emitters from high to medium when assessed. All treatments, for the evaluation period, provided water emission coefficients (CUE) classified as “excellent”, however, it was observed that with the use of water with a high iron content, without additional treatment, this source over time began to show a drop in CUE values, due to the high levels of iron in its composition.
- ItemAdubação com NPK para o desenvolvimento de mudas de Allagoptera arenaria (Gomes) O. Kuntze e análise da fluorescência transiente da clorofila a de Inga laurina (sw) e Psidium catleyanum Sabine expostas a luz solar(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2021-09-17) Silva, João Vítor Garcia; Vitoria, Edney Leandro da;;;;; D'Addazio, Veronica;;; Cruz, Leila Beatriz Silva;;; Fernandes, Adriano Alves;; Atlantic Forest species have ecological functions and can help in the management of the recovery of degraded areas. These areas, generally, are characterized by being compacted, low fertility in the initial horizons that hinder or inhibit the development of some species. In order to assist degraded areas recovery projects, studies are needed that can provide the information necessary for the project's success. In this context, two experiments were developed. The first experiment was performed with a native species considered a facilitator, Allagoptera arenaria (Gomes) O. Kuntze, in order to evaluate the initial growth and quality of seedlings of the species as a function of different doses of NPK 20-00 -20 in coverage. The best seedlings were obtained when the greatest development of the root system was achieved, at the fertilization rate of 21.55 g dm– ³ of NPK. This dose provided relative absorption efficiencies of 93.81% for N and 93.56% for K. The second experiment was performed with non-pioneer species Inga laurina and Psidium cattleyanum. The hypothesis is that NPK nutrients support the photosynthetic parameters of plants, attenuating intense light photoinhibition in tropical species. The two species differed from each other in response to light. NPK fertilization attenuated the effects of photoinhibition.
- ItemAdubação mineral e espécies nativas na revegetação de base de poço de petróleo em área de restinga(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2020-08-21) Rosa, Rayane; Pires, Fabio Ribeiro;;;;; Arantes, Sara Dousseau;;; Cruz, Leila Beatriz Silva;;; Fernandes, Adriano Alves;; Atlantic Forest is one of the richest biomes in biodiversity, but the growing urbanization and extractive activities have caused the degradation of these areas and a consequent imbalance of the entire natural cycle of the environment, which makes t
- ItemAlterações fisiológicas em cacaueiro (Theobroma cacao L.) cv. Catongo cultivado sob condições de hipóxia na presença de silício(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-02-24) Marques, Helder Ivo Pandolfi; Aguilar, Marco Antonio Galeas; Oliveira, Marcos Goes; Schmildt, Edilson Romais; Alexandre, Rodrigo SobreiraThe cocoa is grown throughout the tropical region of the world and its almond is the main ingredient of chocolate. Some cultivation sites tend to suffer from flooding during a period of the year. The low availability of oxygen caused by flooding, induces changes in physiological and morphological processes, modifying the development and growth of plants. Aeration of the nutrient solution is necessary to provide oxygen to the roots of plants grown hydroponically. Silicon is beneficial for several crops, especially when subjected to some kind of stress, can help alleviate the damage caused by flooding. In the literature, there is no report of cocoa cultivation with omission and silicon level, mainly because the presence of this element in all soil types. Based on this prerogative, an experiment was conducted with cocoa seedlings cv. Catongo. The experiment was conducted in CEUNES greenhouse, located in the municipality of São Mateus-ES, in a completely randomized design with four repetitions being one plant on each repetition in the first and second evaluation time and the third used two plants per replicate. The treatments were arranged in a 2x3x5 factorial arrangement, being with and without aeration of the nutrient solution, the three sampling times and five silicon levels (0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 mmol L-1 ). The evaluations were divided into two chapters, the first objective was to evaluate the growth variables, foliar silicon content and x photosynthetic pigments content. The second chapter, gathered the character fluorescence of chlorophyll a and gas exchange. Based on the results, were observed influence of lack of aeration leaves concentration of silicon, degradation of photosynthetic pigments, chlorophyll fluorescence and gas exchange. It can be seen the isolated effect of silicon on some physiological parameters of plants not subjected to stress, as well as in plants submitted in this case relieves stress caused by lack of aeration.
- ItemAnálise de diversidade genética e ecofisiologia de germinação de Theobroma cacao L.(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-02-22) Lavanhole, Daniele Freisleben; Schmildt, Edilson Romais; Posse, Sheila Cristina Prucoli; Arantes, Sara Dousseau; Machado Filho, José Altino; Souza, Carlos Alberto Spaggiari; Schmildt, OmarThe great variability of fruits and seeds makes it difficult to distinguish existing groups of cocoa. The analysis of genetic diversity has been an important tool to subsidize the identification of promising materials for commercial use. Another factor is the variability between the different cacao genotypes at temperature, highlighting the need and the opportunities for the adequate correlation of the planting material with the local environments. This work is divided into two chapters, the first chapter entitled "Analysis of genetic diversity of Theobroma cacao L.", aiming to analyze genetic diversity using biometric characteristics of fruits and seeds of cacao genotypes, aiming to identify promising materials for commercial use. The genotypes evaluated were Common, TSH-1188, ESFIP-02, CCN-51, Ipiranga-01, SJ-02, PH-16, PS-1319, CEPEC-2002 and Catongo. Data were submitted to analysis of variance and the means were grouped by the Scott-Knott test (p <0.05). Multivariate analysis and estimated genetic divergence were performed by the Tocher and UPGMA grouping method. Genetic divergence was observed among the cacao genotypes, with fruit length, fresh seed weight and lower diameter being the characteristics that contributed most to dissimilarity. The TSH-1188 genotype presented higher averages for the physical characteristics of the seeds, while, ESFIP-02 and SJ-02 presented the highest ºBrix. The second chapter entitled "Ecophysiology of germination of Theobroma cacao L. genotypes" was aimed at evaluating the interaction of genotype with temperatures and drying periods on germination and post-germination development of cacao. In the germination test, the temperatures evaluated were 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40ºC constant and 15-25ºC and 20-30ºC alternated, and the desiccation tolerance was evaluated in the seeds arranged under laboratory conditions (25ºC + 1ºC of temperature and 65% + 5% of humidity) for 0, 2 and 4 days. Germination and vigor were determined based on root protrusion and normal seedling formation. The analysis of variance was performed and the means were compared by the Scott-Knott test (P <0.05). Multivariate analysis was performed and genetic divergence was estimated by the Tocher and UPGMA grouping method. The experimental design was a completely randomized design with four replicates of 25 seeds. Regarding thermal extremes, the TSH-1188 genotype can be considered the most tolerant, while CEPEC-2002, the most sensitive. Both the germination process and the post-germinative process were influenced by the genotype. TSH-1188, ESFIP-02 and Ipiranga-01 presented a higher percentage of normal vigorous seedlings.
- ItemAspectos técnicos e econômicos da colheita do café conilon(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-07-15) Almeida, Paloma Francisca Pancieri de; Vitoria, Edney Leandro da;;;;; Partelli, Fabio Luiz;;; Lima, Andre Luis Ribeiro;;; Furtado Junior, Marconi Ribeiro ;; Espírito Santo (ES) é o 2º maior produtor brasileiro de café, com expressiva produção de arábica e conilon, as quais totalizam 22% da produção nacional. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi de analisar os aspectos técnicos e econômicos de diferentes procedimentos de colheita mecanizada do café conilon, divido em quatro capítulos. No primeiro capítulo foi desenvolvido uma revisão bibliométrica sobre o tópico “colheita do café”, através do banco de dados do Web of Science, foram selecionados e avaliados estatisticamente, onde foram encontradas 28 publicações sobre o tema pesquisado no qual o Brasil produziu 54% de todas publicações pertinentes. O segundo capítulo teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho da colheita semi-mecanizada do café conilon através de controle estatístico. O experimento foi conduzido na Fazenda Cremasco, Pinheiros (ES), em 12 talhões, sendo utilizadas máquina recolhedora/trilhadora e trator. Foram avaliados tempo de posicionamento, tempo de recolhimento e o tempo de derriça na lona, o tempo de posicionamento do conjunto trator-recolhedora e o tempo total, além da estimativa da taxa de alimentação na máquina, massa de café perdida, estimativa de massa na lona e eficiência do sistema de limpeza. Os resultados revelaram diferenças nos talhões de 3 a 6, como consequência da ocorrência de chuvas durante a colheita, no mais, o processo foi considerado sob controle. No terceiro capítulo teve como objetivo analisar a eficiência de colheita mecanizada e manual do café conilon. O experimento foi realizado em São Mateus-ES, e as variáveis analisadas foram eficiência de derriça (ED), eficiência de colheita (EC), porcentagem de queda no chão (PQC) e desfolhamento (D). Onde a colheita manual apresentou maiores eficiências de colheita e derriça, com menores índice de perdas por queda no chão e os ajuste dos parâmetros da colheitadora foi acertado uma vez que se alcançou altos índices de eficiência de colheita e derriça, similares aos da colheita manual, com a vantagem adicional de promover uma colheita direcionada aos grãos maduros em cada passagem da automotriz, sem implicar em um severo dano (desfolha) à plantas. O quarto capítulo apresentou como objetivo realizar a análise econômico-financeira da colheita mecanizada para o café conilon. 10 O trabalho foi realizado em São Mateus-ES, aonde foram feitas por estudo de caso as avaliações econômicas, utilizando cálculos de Custo Operacional Efetivo, Custo Operacional Total e indicadores de viabilidade econômica. Concluiu-se que a utilização da colheita mecanizada foi a que demostrou menor custo de produção de café, na propriedade em estudo, mesmo com maior investimento, e se demonstrando viável, apresentando uma taxa de retorno de 36% ao ano.
- ItemAtividade antifungica de compostos de cobre, zinco e potássio no crescimento micelial e germinação de conidios de Fusarium solani f. sp. piperis(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-07-05) Santos, Renata Aparecida Ahnert dos; Silva, Marcelo Barreto da;;;;; Pinheiro, Veronica D Addazio;;; Fernandes, Adriano Alves;; search for alternative methods and products of disease management has been increasing in recent years due to the harmful effects that pesticides cause to the environment and to human health. The studies to control fusariosis using alternative methods are related to the strategies of modern agriculture and go towards the economic and ecological interests, being the stimulus to the defense of the plants by the induction of resistance an important alternative. The natural protection of plants against pathogens is given by several mechanisms. It is partly based on a variety of constitutional barriers already present in plant tissues prior to any attack or infection. Micronutrients have been identified as one of the major mineral elements associated with the induction of resistance to plant diseases. Thus, the objective of this study was to test the antifungal activity in vitro using CuSO4, ZnSO4 and KCl against Fusarium solani f. sp. piperis.
- ItemAtividade antimicrobiana dos extratos de Schinus terebinthifolia Raddi(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2013-11-29) Rebello, Luciana Camizão; Silva, Marcelo Barreto da; Carvalho, Camilo Amaro de; Ramos, Maria da Penha PiccoloThe Schinus terebinthifolia Raddi, popularly known as pepper tree, is in the National Medicinal Plants of the SUS’s Interest List and has great potential for growth inhibition of microorganisms, which makes this an alternative to medicinal plant antimicrobial activity. This study aims to evaluate the antimicrobial activity against pathogenic fungi (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz and Colletotrichum musae) and against the bacteria which causes human infection (Staphylococcus aureus), from the extracts fractions obtained from leaves and stem bark of S. terebinthifolia, to identify secondary metabolic compounds in leaves and stem bark and quantify the compounds of the flavonoids group. The extractions of leaves and stem bark were prepared by maceration using increasing polarity solvents (hexane, dichloromethane and ethanol) and ethanol solvent for the preparation of crude extract that underwent liquid-liquid cut. The phytochemical screening of crude ethanol extracts of both parties and the quantification of flavonoids were performed. The fractions were tested for determining the minimum inhibitory concentration for bacteria and for mycelial growth inhibition of the fungus. The results showed that all tested microorganisms demonstrated sensitivity to the compounds found in the extracts of S. terebinthifolia regardless the type of extraction, and that the flavonoids are found in greater amounts in the leaves (52,93 µg.mL-1) than in the stem bark (9.58 µg.mL-1), possibly, together with tannins, they do the inhibitory activity of fungi and bacteria. Therefore, extracts of bark stem and leaves of the pepper tree may be a good way for controlling the growth of these pathogen and they can act as an herbal medicine with antibiotic effect as well as being a possible agent to control the diseases in papaya and banana plants.
- ItemAtividade de extratos etanólicos sobre o controle "in vitro" de Colletotrichum musae(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2015-02-23) Carminate, Bruna; Carvalho, Camilo Amaro de; Silva, Marcelo Barreto da; Sambugaro, Rosana; Nogueira, Christiane MapheuBrazil is the world’s second largest producer of fruits. The Espírito Santo State is among the largest producer of banana (Musa sp) and contributes considerably to export this fruit. However, the production has been affected by the occurrence of diseases post-harvest, affecting the quality and quantity of fruit available for export and local consumption. Various diseases affect the quality of fruit in post-harvest, as anthracnose disease caused by the fungus Colletotrichum musae on banana fruit, which represents the most serious problem in post-harvest this fruit. The use of fungicides of vegetable origin may constitute an alternative and promising method of disease control, as well as being easy to obtain and low cost, minimize the toxicity problems presented by synthetics chemical products. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the activity of vegetable extracts of Eugenia astringens Cambess, Licania tomentosa and Vernonia polyanthes Less in control in vitro fungus phytopathogenic C. musae. The ethanolic extract was obtained from E. astringen leaves and seeds, L. tomentosa leaves and V. polyanthes leaves and flowerers by maceration and performed the phytochemical screening. The compounds of secondary metabolism were found alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, phenols and tannins, steroids, terpenes and coumarins. All extracts tested showed significant activity on the growth of C. Musae. The most active extract was obtained from Licania tomentosa leaves and reduced in 60% of the radial growth of mycelia fungus. The extracts tested showed promising alternative for the control of anthracnose in banana post-harvest.
- ItemAtributos do solo e nutrientes em folhas de café conilon no tabuleiro costeiro do Espírito Santo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2019-03-21) Pires, Ivne Franco; Partelli, Fábio Luiz; Fontana, Ademir; Paye, Henrique de Sá; Teixeira, Wenceslau GeraldesCoffee cultivation is one of the activities of great profitability in Espírito Santo and with extensive occupation of the Coastal Tablelands, whose geomorphological unit includes soils with low levels of nutrients and cohesive subsurface horizons. In view of the above, the objective of this work was to provide a diagnosis of the physical and chemical attributes of the soil and nutritional status of the leaves of the Conilon coffee tree in Oxisols and Yellow Argisols in Coastal Trap environments of the northern region of Espírito Santo, relating the methods of soil and leaf analysis with non-destructive techniques such as X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. The samples were collected in the municipalities of São Mateus, Jaguaré, Boa Esperança, Pinheiros, Conceição da Barra and Montanha. Soil physical analyzes were performed to determine the grain size composition, soil density, particle density and total porosity. In the soil chemical analyzes the active acidity (Al3+), Ca2+, Mg2+, K+ , potential acidity (H+Al), SB, V, CTC, pH in water, Mehlich-1 phosphorus, organic carbon, organic matter, nitrogen and micronutrients (Cu2+, Fe2+, Mn2+, Zn2+). Macronutrients and micronutrients were determined on leaves. The soil fertility and leaf nutrition were diagnosed, identifying the deficit elements, comparing them with reference coffee crops in studies conducted ix in the State of Espírito Santo. Leaf and soil chemical analyzes were also performed using a non-destructive technique based on X-ray fluorescence spectrometry using portable equipment, using two calibration methods from the factory: Soil and Geochem. Pearson's linear correlation and Student's t test methods were analyzed. Regarding the physical attributes of the soil, most of the crops present density of 1.43 g cm-3 and loamy-clayey texture. Regarding routine chemical analyzes, the values of OM, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Al and (H+Al) were classified with low levels in the soil, excess P and other attributes at medium levels. In the leaf analyzes the N, P, K, Mg, Cu, Fe and Zn levels were classified as low levels in the plants, Ca presents high levels, only the Mn content is at an adequate level. There is no tendency to increase the nutrient content in the leaves with the increase of the same in the soil, indicating that there is no direct relation. When compared to reference crops, most of the soil elements, except for P, Ca and Zn, are at lower levels and all leaf elements are at lower levels, with emphasis on Fe and Mn. As for the X-ray fluorescence spectrometry analyzes, the soil nutrient values found in the pXRF analysis were underestimated when compared to the certified values, all with low recovery rates. In the leaf analysis, the calibration methods presented values that were overestimated in relation to the values obtained by the routine chemical analysis, the smallest difference was for K in the "Soil" method and higher for the P in "Geochem", where Soil "Presents values closer to the traditional method. There is a statistical difference between the conventional leaf analysis method and the X-ray fluorescence methods by the 5% probability t test and the correlations between the nutrient levels in the methods used are significant, indicating the potential use of the tool.
- ItemAtributos edáficos em diferentes usos do solo no tabuleiro costeiro, Jaguaré, ES(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-05-24) Lopes, Emanuelle Cata Preta Nunes; Partelli, Fábio Luiz; Fontana, Ademir; Gontijo, Ivoney; Furieri, Karina Schmidt
- ItemAtributos físico-hídricos do solo em lavoura de café conilon submetida à subsolagem(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2013-02-21) Souza, Joabe Martins de; Pires, Fábio Ribeiro; Bonomo, Robson; Oliveira, Luiz Fernando Coutinho de; Vitória, Edney Leandro daThe proper preparation of the soil promotes changes in physical attributes, especially the structure and can modify the storage capacity of water, crucial in determining irrigation needs for crops. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of soil preparation for planting Conilon coffee (Coffea canephora Pierre) submitted to subsoiling, physical properties and soil water. The experimental area consisted of three plots cultivated with coffee at 11, 7 and 3 years old, called T11, T7 and T3, respectively, submitted to subsoiling in the rows. For the evaluations hydrophysical soil samples were collected and undisturbed, in line (P1) and leading (P2) culture and four depths 0.00 to 0.20, 0.20-0.40, 0.40 -0.60, from 0.60 to 0.80 m. The experimental design was completely randomized design with three replications. The soil properties were evaluated soil bulk density, total porosity, macroporosity and microporosity, besides the water retention curve, saturated hydraulic conductivity, resistance to penetration and index S. The soil density, total porosity and macroporosity showed significant differences between the sampling points for the upper soil layers with higher porosity and macropore to the point P1 and a higher density of the soil to the point P2, did not differ from other layers. The total porosity showed an inverse behavior to the specific weight of the soil and increased the microporosity and macroporosity decrease in depth. Among the areas with different ages, physical and hydraulic properties of the soil showed no significant differences, showing that improvements of subsoiling are persistent over the years in this culture condition. The penetration resistance differed between sampling points, occurring with increasing depth, no difference, however, between the plots. We observed a positive correlation between penetration resistance and bulk density and microporosity, macroporosity and negative. The saturated hydraulic conductivity differ between sampling points in the layers of 0.00-0.40 m, with no significant difference between the plots. There was a negative correlation between penetration resistance and positive correlation with microporosity and macroporosity. The determination coefficient of adjustment curves water retention in the soil was greater than 98% and tuning parameters increased with depth. Water availability presented in general higher in the coffee line, until 0.60m, showing the benefit of subsoiling water retention. The S was higher in the rows, showing high correlation with the porosity and density of the soil. Subsoiling changed the physical and hydraulic properties of the soil, providing a balance between macro and micro, increased water availability and soil saturated hydraulic conductivity, and greater water retention at low voltages. The S proved to be a good tool to assess soil quality under these conditions.
- ItemAtributos físicos do solo cultivado com plantas de cobertura sob dois regimes hídricos(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2018-02-28) Ramos, Raquel Cristina; Belo, Alessandra Ferreira; Bonomo, Robson; Pires, Fábio Ribeiro; Almeida, Marcelo Suzart deAmong the soil conservation practices used to improve soil quality and production, we highlight the use of plants with a cover function, which are arranged on or embedded in the soil surface, contribute to the maintenance of humidity, reduction of extremes temperature and increase of organic matter, reflecting positively on the physical attributes of soil. The objective was to evaluate the physical attributes of the soil with the use of cover crops under two water regimes for two years in order to contribute to the adoption of no-tillage system in the northern region of Espírito Santo. The work was conducted in the field, in a dystrophic Yellow Argisol, using experimental design in DBC, in subdivided plots, in a 2 x 6 factorial scheme, with four replications. The cover plants evaluated were: four cultivars of Pennisetum glaucum (ADR 300, ADR 500, ADRf 6010 and BRS 1501), Brachiaria ruziziensis and Canavalia ensiformis; the irrigation depths were 76 mm (L1) and 38 mm (L2). (Ds), total pore volume (VTP), microporosity (Mi), macroporosity (Ma), geometric mean diameter (DMG) and weighted mean diameter (DMP); hydraulic conductivity of the saturated soil (Ksat) and soil penetration resistance (RMP). In the first year of cultivation, few significant differences were observed in the attributes Ds, DMG and DMP in the 0-0,2 m layer. In general, higher soil densities were observed in the largest leaf, regardless of the cover species used. Soil density increased in the second year, but there was the effect of the cover plants on the two irrigation slides with the time reducing the PR, indicating improvement in soil quality. Cover plants interfere in the improvement of physical attributes, especially in situations of water stress. ADRf 6010 is the millet cultivation more indicated 11 as a cover plant for 76 mm blade. And B. ruziziensis was the plant with the best results for 38 mm.
- ItemAtributos físicos e químicos do solo em área sob diferentes usos na Região Norte do Estado do Espírito Santo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-03-28) Pinto, Flávia Barreto; Bonomo, Robson; Schmildt, Edilson Romais; Pires, Fábio Ribeiro; Almeida, Marcelo Suzart deConsidering an increasing demand related to Brazil's agricultural production becomes a need for greater and better understanding of how to keep it sustainable, it is important to keep a good soil for future crops have a suitable environment and it has good productivity. Studies about soil physical and chemical attributes allows a good indication of the quality of a given soil. In this sense, it was evaluated in this study changes in physical and chemical properties in areas with different uses within a property located in the city of Jaguaré-ES. The areas studied were under the homogeneous planting conilon coffee (Coffea canephora Pierre ex A. Froehner) (Cc); rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis L.) (S); consortium with rubber tree and conilon coffee (SCc); consortium with rubber tree and coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) (SCo); consortium with rubber tree, black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) and cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) (SPCa); and native vegetation (MN). The experiment was carried out by sampling in five installments of 6 x 6 meters on each use system. The chemical attributes were analyzed at 0-10, 10-20 e 20-40cm depths are: soil organic matter (SOM), pH, P, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Al, H + Al, sum of bases (SB), effective CEC (t), potencial CEC (T), base saturation (V) and Al saturation (m). The physical attributes analyzed at 0-10, 10-20 e 20-40cm depths were: texture, particle density, soil density, macro and microporosity and aggregate stability. At 15 and 30cm depths were analyzed hydraulic conductivity and 0-10, 10-20, 20-30 e 30-40cm penetration soil resistance. Data were subjected to variance analysis and treatment means were compared by Tukey test at 5% probability. It used also Tocher grouping method based on the Mahalanobis dispersion. MN had lower penetration soil resistance and soil density and higher macroporosity compared to other areas, probably due to the higher values of soil organic matter. The areas under Cc and agroforestry system SPCa were similar when evaluated particle density, soil density, total porosity, microporosity, microporosity and sand, clay and silt percentage. The covers Cc and MN were similar when was considered the chemistry and analyzed depths. The management adopted in Cc area performed better than adopted in agroforestry viii systems in the upper layers. It worked more effectively, improving the quality of soil chemical properties. The agricultural use of the soil, even in the case of perennial crops, caused changes in soil physical properties and degraded soil organic matter when compared with original condition.
- ItemAtributos físicos e químicos do solo em sistema silvipastoril(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2013-02-27) Taufner, Gisela Azevedo; Pires, Fábio Ribeiro; Pezzopane, José Ricardo Macedo; Gontijo, Ivoney; Almeida, Marcelo Suzart de; Pires, André AssisChanges in physical and chemical soil attributes were assessed in a silvopastoral system over time, taken on a gradient away from the trees. The experiment was conducted from 03/2010 to 09/2012 at Embrapa South-East Cattle Research Center, Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil (21° 57' 33" S; 47° 51' 06" W). The silvopastoral system was implanted in 2007 with the planting of native trees in a Brachiaria decumbens pasture in soil LVA and LV medium to evaluate the influence of the tree component in the physical and chemical soil under silvopastoral system. In about eight hectares, the trees were planted in strips spaced 17 m in pastures with electric fence protection . Sampling was made in 4 different points regarding the distances from the row of trees: 0.0m; 2 m; 4.75 m; 8.5 m; at 3 depths: 0-10 cm; 10-20 cm; 20-40 cm; with 4 and 5 replications to physical and chemical attributes respectively. From physical attributes were determined: soil density, macro and micro porosity, aggregate stability and soil resistance to penetration at 0-20 and 20-40 cm. For chemical attributes were determined pH and levels of P, K, Ca, Mg, organic matter (OM), potential acidity (H + Al), exchangeable aluminum (Al), cation exchange capacity, sulfur (S), base saturation and aluminum saturation. Data were submitted to analysis of variance and mean treatment were compared by Tukey test at 5% probability. For the physical attributes significant differences were found for all assessed characteristics related with depth, being observed significant increase of organic matter to the system, favoring aggregation and soil structure at depth of 0-10 cm. The chemical attributes that XIV express improvement of soil fertility were higher at a depth of 0-10 cm and were not benefited by the presence of trees. There was an increase of the value from the first to the second year of assessment. Assessments are needed over time to monitor these attributes, it is expected that with the system stabilization it is possible to achieve conclusive results about the influence of afforestation in silvopastoral systems.
- ItemAtributos microbiológicos e químicos do solo sob diferentes sistemas de manejo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2017-02-17) Oliosi, Gleison; Partelli, Fábio Luiz; Gontijo, Ivoney; Vieira, Henrique DuarteThe demand for sustainable systems of production has increased considerably in recent years, so we are looking for cropping systems that can combine agricultural production with the maintenance of soil quality, ensuring food security and productivity of our soils for future generations. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the changes in microbiological and chemical attributes of soil under different cropping systems, at different seasons. The experiment was conducted in the municipality of Jaguaré-ES, where was evaluated five management systems, 01- Conilon coffee in monoculture, 02- Conilon coffee intercropped with rubber tree, 03- rubber tree in monoculture, 04- pasture of Brachiaria brizantha, and 05- fragment of Atlantic forest. The microbiological soil analyzes were carried out in winter and summer, and the chemical analysis only in the summer, both on the depth of 0-10 and 10-20 cm. The data were submitted to multivariate analysis and descriptive analysis of the variables, with average and average standard error. The microbiological attributes of the soil did not present an expressive change in the seasons evaluated, evidencing that the frequent occurrence of higher values in the summer is associated to the high precipitations coupled with the high temperatures. The adoption of management systems with coffee and rubber trees in intercropping or monoculture, and pasture of Brachiaria brizantha, under the conditions studied, presented little alteration in the microbiological attributes of the soil, showing up as viable alternatives to promote soil sustainability, combined with agricultural production. The chemical attributes of the soil vary independently of the microbiological attributes in the evaluated management systems, being more influenced by the fertilization and corrections of the soil, so that not always the area with better chemical attributes will present better microbiological attributes.
- ItemAtributos químicos e físicos como indicadores de qualidade do solo, em tabuleiros costeiros, no norte do Espírito Santo(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2012-05-25) Marinato, Fábio Altoé; Pires, Fábio Ribeiro; Schmildt, Edilson Romais; Gontijo, Ivoney; Passos, Renato RibeiroModern agriculture must be based on the search for natural resources sustainability as well as optimization of soil use in order to minimize environmental degradation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of soil cover on the physical and chemical attributes in a coastal plain area. We have studied seven ground covers: Native secondary Atlantic Forest, Reforestation with Eucalyptus, Native Grassland, Rubber plantation, Conilon Coffee Plantation, Reforestation with Native Species and Black Pepper plantation. The experimental design was completely randomized with three replications. As chemical indicators we have quantified active acidity, Organic Matter, Capacity of Cation Exchange, Aluminum, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, potential acidity, sum of bases, base saturation and aluminum saturation. As physical indicators we have evaluated soil density, total porosity, macroporosity, microporosity, pondered average diameter, geometric average diameter and particle density. They were determined in three depths: 0- 0.05m, 0.05-0.20m and 0.20-0.40m. We also measured Saturated Hidraulic Conductivity, with two depths (0-0.20 and 0.20-0.40) and two water column (0.05 and 0.10m), and Mechanical Resistance to Penetration at 0-0.20; 0.20-0.40 and 0.40- 0.60 depths, adopting seven repetitions for this analysis. Means were compared by Tukey test at 5%. Another analysis was also performed with Canonical Variables and x Tocher group methods. For chemical indicators, in the first layer, the coverage grouping revealed a group formed by Reforestation with Eucalyptus, Rubber Plantation, Reforestation with Native Species, Conilon Coffee Plantation, Black Pepper Plantation and Natural Grassland, leaving the Native secondary Atlantic Forest isolated. For the second layer, we there was a formation of a group of Reforestation with Eucalyptus, Conilon Coffee plantation, Black Pepper Plantation, Natural Grassland and Native secondary Atlantic Forest, leaving Rubber Plantation and Reforestation with Native Species isolated from the others. In the third layer only one group was formed from which Reforestation with Native Species was isolated. Physical indicators showed four divisions in the first layer: A group formed by Reforestation with Eucalyptus, Rubber Plantation and Reforestation with Native Species, other group formed by Conilon Coffee and Black Pepper Plantations, remaining in an isolated way Natural Grassland and Native secondary Atlantic Forest. In the second layer there was the grouping of Conilon Coffee and Black Pepper Plantations and another group with Reforestation with Eucalyptus, Rubber Plantation, Reforestation with Native Species, Natural Grassland and Native secondary Atlantic Forest in. Third layer appears with four divisions: Reforestation with Eucalyptus, Rubber Plantation and Reforestation with Native Species; Native secondary Atlantic Forest and Black Pepper Plantation; and Conilon Coffe and Natural Grassland being isolated. At the end of the study we got the following conclusions: 1. There have been changes in the chemical and physical soils properties as a function of their covers. 2. First layer showed to be very sensitive to changes in terms of chemical and physical viewpoints. 3. Second layer showed chemical quality preservation in Conilon Coffee Plantation, Black Pepper Plantation, Reforestation with Eucalyptus and Natural Grassland covers. There was also physical quality preservation in Reforestation with Native Species, Rubber Plantation, Reforestation with Eucalyptus and Natural Grassland covers. 4. In the third layer Reforestation with Native Species was the only coverage that failed to preserve chemical qualities of the soil, while only Black Pepper Plantation managed to preserve physical qualities. 5. Two different classes of soil being in the study did not affected the final results with a possible grouping in soil classes.
- ItemAtributos químicos e físicos do solo sob aplicação de vinhaça por anos consecutivos(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2016-05-31) Mundim, Daniel Alves; Pires, Fábio Ribeiro; Bonomo, Robson; Silva, Fábio Oseias dos Reis; Carneiro Júnior, Josil de Barros; Vieira, Gustavo Haddad Souza; Partelli, Fábio LuizThe use of vinasse in fertigation is common practice to industries producing sugar and alcohol and its proper distribution in the soil is responsible for improvements in the physical and chemical attributes of this natural resource, but the disorderly application can negatively influence and contribute to the impracticability of agricultural practices. Thus this study aimed to identify and analyze the changes in a red yellow podzolic soil dystrophic located in Cordanta J farm in the municipality of Conceição da Barra - ES where the practice of using vinasse has been going on for over 15 years, with the comparison to farm Cordanta P, area of sugarcane without fertigation, farm Aliança with eucalyptus area and native forest.Treatments were performed in a randomized design in a factorial 2 (Environment) x 4 (depth) with 04 repetitions where disturbed soil samples were taken and undisturbed in the depths of 0-20, 20-40 40-60 and 60-80 (cm).Soil samples were sent CEUNES soil physics laboratory where they were evaluated water retention curve characteristics on the ground, density, hydraulic conductivity. For Chemical analyzes deformed samples were sent to Fullin laboratory which analyzed the concentrations of macro and micro nutrients, organic matter and pH were also analyzed electrical conductivity (EC) and sodium absorption ratio (SAR). The results showed that the soil with native plants had higher water retention capacity while fertigated area showed lower capacity and also lower amount of water available (WA) and readily available water (RAW), there was a significant reduction in hydraulic conductivity in the fertirrigated environment in deeper layers indicating compression. The determination coefficient of adjustment of the water retention curves in soil is greater than 99% and adjustment parameters increased with depth. A significant increase in phosphorus-Mehlich nutrients (mg dm-3 ), potassium (mg dm-3 ), sulfur (mg dm-3 ), Zinc (mg dm-3 ) and sodium (mg dm-3 ) in fertigated area, pH and organic matter showed no significant difference between the environments. Sodium levels were significantly higher in the area of native forest, hence the SAR and EC values were higher at this location. Overall, there was an improvement in soil chemical properties in comparison to areas where there was no application of vinasse. Regarding to the physical soil characteristics, the significant reduction in hydraulic conductivity (KFS) appears to be associated with the accumulation of salts of potassium (K) that showed high content in this area and is also the main nutrient found in the composition of vinasse.
- ItemAVALIAÇÃO AGRONÔMICA DE HÍBRIDOS DE ABACAXIZEIROS RESISTENTES À FUSARIOSE NO ESPÍRITO SANTO(Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, 2020-02-20) Altoe, Marcelo Soares; Zucoloto, Moises;;;;; Bonomo, Robson;; and subtropical America is considered the center of origin of the pineapple, with the Amazon Region being the largest center of diversity. This plant belongs to the Bromeliaceae family, genus Ananas and species Ananas comosus var. comosus. Now